This blog is dedicated to my friend, P., who lives in Germany, and whose manner became noticeably chilly after the so-called help to Greece began. Here, I'll write all those things I couldn't tell her over the phone.

Δευτέρα 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Greece is being destroyed by 'respectable' fanatics

The EU, which boasts that solidarity is its founding principle, is forcing Greece into destitution and chaos

By from The Observer, Sunday 19 February 2012.


 Homeless men in Athens. 'Europe is now offering to revive Greece by impoverishing it; to heal it by harming it.' Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images

Greek democracy is being destroyed. Not by soldiers marching with insane slogans on their lips about the inevitable triumph of the German master race, international proletariat or global jihad, but by moderate men and women who think themselves immune to ideological frenzy. Greece's enemies are novel, but no less frightening for that: extremists from the centre ground; the respectable running riot.
Which ever way you cut it, Greece can't win. The EU "bailout" cannot perform the first function of a rescue and save the sufferer from suffering. The Germans, with Dutch and Finnish assistance, are pushing Greece into a death spiral. The EU demands that Greece cuts 150,000 public jobs over three years – the equivalent in terms of population of our government taking 800,000 jobs from the UK public sector. Greek politicians must also accept without a quibble a 22% cut in the minimum wage and further reductions in the welfare state.
Greece is in permanent recession. The economy shrank by 7% in the three months to December 2011. Tens of thousands of family businesses have gone bust. Europe is now offering to revive Greece by impoverishing it; to heal it by harming it. As Tacitus said of the Roman legions' earlier attempt to impose a European union: "They make a desert and call it peace."
Whether Greek society can stand the pressure remains an open question. The parties of the far left and right are flourishing in the polls as the public comes to see its centrist politicians as traitors for trying to appease a hostile EU. Once the Grecian fringe was reserved for the unhinged. The last time I asked Liana Kanelli, spokeswoman for the Greek Communist party, about her country's crisis, she flew off into a rage about how the 1999 Nato intervention to stop Serb nationalists slaughtering Kosovo Muslims was an imperialist plot to extend capitalism into the Balkans. Nothing I could say could wake her from her land of make-believe and return her to the subject at hand.
Her fellow citizens no longer see Kanelli and her kind as dangerous fools, however. Because they oppose the EU, cranks from the left and racists from the right now make more sense to Greeks than their mainstream politicians. The parallels with the 1930s are too obvious to labour.
Whatever the political consequences, every sensible financial commentator understands that the Greek economy can take no more. The "bailout" will merely push it deeper into the mire. The EU's terms do not begin to match the altruism the United States showed to the defeated Germans after 1945. America did not pauperise West Germans as many in France and indeed Washington wanted. America guaranteed their security, then gave them loans from the Marshall Plan that allowed the West German economic miracle to begin. Greece has invaded no one and committed no crimes against humanity. Yet the EU, which boasts that solidarity is its founding principle, is forcing it into destitution and chaos.
The alternative to bowing to the demands of their German overlords is not noticeably better. If Greece were to leave the euro, there would be hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of law suits, as parties argued whether contracts should be honoured in the old or new currency. Hyper-inflation might set in. The European banking system might collapse. As William Hague says, the euro is a burning building with no exits.
The EU cannot take responsibility for what it has done and be magnanimous for reasons British readers may not grasp. Raised in a Eurosceptic country, we do not understand how an absolute commitment to the European project was a mark of respectability on the continent. Like going to church and saying your prayers for previous generations, a public demonstration of commitment to the EU ensured that the world saw you as a worthy citizen. If you wanted to advance in Europe's governing parties, judiciaries, bureaucracies and culture industries, you had to subscribe to the belief that ever-greater union was self-evidently worthwhile.
Currency union is – self-evidently – a disaster. Admitting that would bring a loss of face too great for the European elites to bear. To take the most discreditable example, Germany and Holland have benefited enormously from the single currency holding down the exchange rate for their goods, while imposing effective tariff barriers on southern Europe.
Instead of saying: "We are rich because they are poor", Angela Merkel and her boorish colleagues imitate the smug, parochial, selfish Bild reader, who thinks that foreigners' problems would be solved if only they could turn themselves into him. Germany insists that the Greek crisis is the result of the corruption of Greek public life. Greek politics is undoubtedly corrupt, although I should add that the first victims of corruption are poor Greeks who cannot afford to bribe officials or hide their savings from the taxman.
But Greek corruption cannot explain why Portugal is in crisis, any more than Italian corruption can explain why Ireland and Spain are in crisis. All five countries are suffering – and France may soon be suffering – because the euro is a monumental mistake. Rather than rectify it, European leaders attack the welfare states, employment protections and public services that the best of the European centre-left fought for after 1945. In the name of saving the euro, everything must go.
As the poverty deepens and the protests swell, the EU's image will change – and not for the better. It was once seen as a haven, which offered Europeans an escape from the terrors of the past. The EU, wrote the perceptive British diplomat Robert Cooper in 2002, is at the forefront of the "postmodern world". Instead of invading each other, Europeans allowed negotiators at Brussels to settle conflicts and regulate everything "right down to beer and sausages".
The EU may have been petty and irritating. It may not have been very democratic. But its avoidance of conflict produced a pleasant, prosperous and peaceful continent.
Europe does not seem pleasant, prosperous or peaceful today. When historians write about the end of its postmodern utopia, they will note that it was not destroyed by invading armies anxious to plunder Europe's wealth or totalitarian ideologues determined to install a dictatorship, but by politicians and bureaucrats, who appeared to be pillars of respectability, but turned out to be fanatics after all.

Τετάρτη 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Once again at Syntagma Square

Another phase of the IMF Memorandum was about to be approved by the Greek parliament. The majority was slim. The people against it.
We gathered around the parliament in droves, to protest against it, to urge our "elected representatives" to vote against it.
We had tried this before, in the summer. Our voice was not heard.
Yet there we were again.
We went early. Starting from the parliament, the crowd grew to fill Amalias Avenue all the way to Hadrian's Arch, about a mile down the road. Other friends called to say that they were in Omonoia or Monastiraki but we couldn't meet - so thick were the crowds.
Thick was the smoke of teargas too. Riot police kept throwing canister after canister to keep us at bay.

This time the crowd was not like in the summer. Back then we felt euphoric, optimistic, believing that we were starting a revolution,that we could change things. There was singing and dancing and shouting of slogans.
This time the crowd was silent. People had dark faces and clenced teeth. We were angry but not euphoric, nor optimistic.

We had learned from past experience that our voice would not be heard. We knew that we'd be pushed back by the riot police. We knew that we'd insist and push back, again and again. We knew this phase of the Memorandum, together with its austerity measures, would be approved.

What we didn't expect was how few MPs would say nay. How many would bow their heads to unknown pressures or interests and vote yes.

And we didn't expect the media to betray us so blatantly.

All channels showed the upper part of the square, empty of people, surrounded by the police and a cloud of teargas. No camera turned just a few degrees right or left to show the throngs of people still there, despite the chemical warfare. No reporters described our sheer numbers, nor our persistence.

Instead, they all breathlessly reported about the fires started and the damages done by a handful of young, angry men (who, many people think, were just undercover police agents). No screen showed the thousands surrounding the parliament, no radio commentor talked about them, as if their disregard could erase our presence, mute our voice.

Perhaps they can. History will show. What they couldn't erase was the anger. The silent rage which every single one of us carried back home. A rage that clung to one's soul, like the smell of teargas clung to our hair and clothes.
I wonder - what will this rage evolve into?

PS. I am not the only one feeling this way. Several people wrote the same on the web. Here is a handful of posts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc, etc.

Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Our latest action, on February 4

This is a video of our latest action, in the pedestrianized Aiolou street:

Reports, photos and comments of those who participated can be found at the Cyclists' site, at the blog of SOS-Road Crimes (here and here) as well as in the blog of Moms in the Street (here, here and here).
The number of Greeks worried about quality of life and mobility issues is increasing. On the same day, students of the German School of Athens organised a similar event in the suburb of Maroussi. For more information, see here.
Unfortunately, all posts are in Greek, but the photos give a good idea of what happened and are not subject to the abuse of automatic translators.